
Why Give?

At Mt Roskill Baptist we want to encourage giving as an act of worship, a response of gratitude to God. Material giving helps us to care for the poor and needy, run the church, and see people who are called released into ministry.

If you would like to know more about how to give to the ministry of God in this church, please feel free to email us.

Giving Online

If you would like to set up an automatic payment through online banking, or just want to give through your bank’s online facility, please phone your bank to set up your payment. If you want to claim a tax rebate please make sure you have a “giving number”, phone the office on 09-627-9286 to be issued one. For more information on tax rebates and giving numbers, please see the section below. Please note: our bank is unable to suppress the name of your account being printed on the church’s bank statement, however be assured all information will be treated confidentially.

Giving During The Service

There will be an opportunity during the service if you would like to make a contribution. Also, the church provides a supply of especially printed envelopes for giving of tithes and offerings. These enable givers to designate where and how they want their gift to be dispersed. Supplies of these envelopes are available in the church foyer, or from the church office - simply help yourself to a bundle. Remember to write your “giving number” on the envelope.

Tax Receipts

If you would like to receive the tax rebate offered on charitable donations a tax receipt can be issued at the end of the financial year. Those wanting a tax receipt must use a system of giving that identifies the giver. The church organises record keeping for this purpose in a highly confidential manner. A “giving number” is allocated to the donor and needs to be written on the envelope containing the gift that is placed in the offering bag or on the automatic payment form. A tally is kept of all giving throughout the year in respect to this “giving number” and an appropriate receipt issued. To obtain a “giving number” please contact the church office. (09) 627-9286 or email